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Default Tales of the Sex Fighting League: Mass Extinction

Angelina Tomas was pictured on the JumboTron when the show returned from commercial.

Seated atop an equipment crate, her seasoned curves clothed by a matching black robe as her sleek dark hair remained down by her shoulders.

A closer pan out by the cameraman would reveal Missy Robinson, microphone in hand right next to her.

Seeing her cue, the brunette interview began talking in a sober tone, �Angelina, tonight you were victorious against Kenny G-String, but what everyone is talking about is what happened afterwards. In a stunning reveal, Apollo made his return to the SFL after some time off, which unfortunately came at your expense. The fans would like to know, if you�re comfortable, your most immediate reaction?�

La Dama stared out at something, maybe even someone, outside of the picture lens.

Whatever it was, it helped her find the focus to turn back to Robinson with her words and emotions gathered.

�I commend Se�or G-String for trying. As for...la princesa, y su nuevo hombre�� Again, the European sensation took a second to think on her words, especially translated from her more natural Spanish tongue.

�La Dama does not give respect. But she does give opportunity.� Tomas started to pop her knuckles, airing out some lingering soreness from the match before staring directly into the camera, �I know you are listening, Charlotte West. And I know you are very happy with yourself, so I give you another opportunity to make a fool of La Dama.�

Her dark eyes were piercing, uncompromising. �Next week, esc�chame, I will be in that ring. La Dama will wait all night for you to get ready, chica, so do not worry about time. Worry about the hospital bill that your dinero will pay for after I am done.�

�...for clarity�s sake, was that an open challenge to Princess Charlotte?� the brunette woman suggested.

�It is an open challenge to her. To him. To both, La Dama does not care,� the Spanish sexfighter stated matter-of-factly to the interviewer. �I will fight them both at the same time if that is what she wants. But in the end-ooof!�
Tomas was interrupted mid-sentence by a ramming blur of movement slamming into her blindside, knocking her off the crate and to the ground.

Backing up to avoid making contact, the cameraman quickly had to adjust with the brunette woman grabbing painfully at her shoulder, writhing on the floor.

And stepping right into the shot of her wincing body, with the calm smugness of a high school jock�

�Man, it feels good to be back!� Apollo grinned, flexing his pecs out against his thin shirt.

He cocked a chuckle at her splayed-out state, then became filled with violent inspiration.

�C�mere a second.� Seizing her by the hair, he yanked La Dama to her feet with both hands and made a beeline towards the opposite wall.

With a focused yell, he threw her shoulderfirst against one of the locker room doors, bringing down the former European champion with an agonizing howl.

�God damn, that felt even better.� Turning away with a sigh of satisfaction, he strolled back to where the interviewer was still standing, the petite woman frozen on the spot.

Casually taking the mic right out of her hands, he returned to Angelina Tomas, still on the ground with her usual proud posture reduced to a grounded, groaning fetal position.

Going down on his knees, Jake held the mic up when speaking, �On behalf of Princess Charlotte��

He bent down a little closer to Angelina�s grimacing face, finishing with smirking disdain, �...we don�t accept your challenge. But we do hope that you go fuck yourself instead.�

Tossing the mic over her head, he popped back up to his feet, sparing one more mocking sneer for the Lady of Madrid before sauntering off.

Leaving La Dama in a similar position of vulnerability as she was in the ring earlier in the night.


�The following match is a best 2 out of 3 falls, qualifying match for a spot in the Intercontinental Title Tournament. Introducing first��

All lights in the arena dimmed.

Camera flashes lit up the darkness like fireflies in the night.

Smoke billowed out through hidden machines at the top of the ramp, creating a thickness that obscured the curtains for a moment.

Then, the sound of ice breaking rippled through the loudspeakers, followed by the low growling of an emerging beast.

And finally, a single figure stood amidst the smoke.

Standing still, standing strong.

A focusing camera homed in on his muscular exterior, becoming more and more defined against the thick radius.

Then, his music played, and the man took the first official steps of his SFL career.

A powerful and intense barrage of trap music boomed out of the loudspeakers revealing an African American sexfighter wearing a distinct, fully covered helmet, one that covered the entirety of his face, with twin horns protruding from the mouth area.

The visage of the prehistoric Mastodon.

�...from Alberteen, Washington, and weighing in at 245 lbs.�.� As the closeup camera would reveal over the announcer�s resumed introduction, his built chest was bare save for a pair of dog tags, arms locked and loaded with bulging intensity, and a U.S.M.C. tattoo emblazoned on his right forearm.

His lower half reflected his military background: a pair of camo pants that led down to tied, worn yet reliable combat boots.

The masked man took a deep breath, eyes focused like a laser through the fierce slits in his animalistic headgear.

He looked up then at the ring announcer exclaimed out, �Ladies and gentlemen, this is Keith Johnson...this is...MASTODON!!!!�

On that note, the former member of the United States Marines marched out of the smoke and down the ramp with the intensity and poise of the serviceman he once was.

The electric, synthesized bass of his entrance music walked down with him, lending a modern yet menacing beat to his movements.

Movements that had already commanded a respectful ovation from the arena goers.

On both rows flanking the ramp, spectators wore visibly impressed (and slightly intimidated) looks at the way Keith Johnson carried himself.

Already sporting a Herculean physique, he started up the steel steps with calm poise, never feeling a need to play up for the fans or get too theatrical.

Once he was on the apron, Mastodon was able to swing one leg over the top rope and then bring the rest of his well-built stature inside thanks to his height (6�3 at the bare minimum).

And as he paused in the middle of the ring, his entrance music began its engaging crescendo towards its musical peak.

That prompted him to reach behind the headgear, slowly removing the helmet to hand over to the referee.

Revealing first a trimmed goatee and buzz cut combo, the dark-haired male turned back towards the top of the ramp.

Those dark, hazel eyes, once witness to untold devastation and destruction in a foreign land, were prepared to see firsthand the degree of physical and sexual destruction that the rest of his body was capable of inflicting upon his opponent.

An opponent that already had quite a hill to climb in terms of matching his intensity�.


�What a presentation. We�ve heard about this man all week, published a few snippets of his background on our official website, but the profile created certainly does not do Mr. Johnson, live and in-person, any semblance of justice.�

�A former collegiate athlete as a starting quarterback on his team, with his potential for turning pro tragically cut short by an ACL tear. Two tours serving overseas in the Middle East, and now...the newest signing for the premier league for sexfighting in the country, or anywhere else. The Mastodon has arrived.�

�He�s arrived�� George rubbed his chin in a contemplative pose. �And so has his opponent, who has travelled over many continents and time zones to be here as well. The fans have been waiting and wanting this, and in my relatively educated opinion, this has all the makings of a true clash of the titans, in so many ways.�

�Absolutely.� His partner nodded as Johnson stretched out his shoulders in the center of the ring. �We had speed vs. strength with the Keiji/Ring Rat match a little earlier, but this- this is looking to be strength against strength. You have on one side, the Austrian powerlifter, with a record of overseas conquests that could rival any of our current titleholders. And then you have the Mastodon, who brings that wartime experience that could give him the kind of mental discipline and physical toughness often required for a successful career here. Folks, go ahead and place your bets, but something tells me we�re all gonna end up winners with what these two are going to bring out of each other by the end.�


Kevin�s comments may indeed prove prophetic, but for right now, they were just words drowned out by the banging of drums cancelling out the newcomer�s music.

In contrast to his more upbeat, modern musical aesthetic, the theme of the Lioness was much more processional.

The JumboTron lit up with the colors of the Austrian flag with the ring announcer gearing up for the woman who was to be his adversary in the coming moments.

�And also introducing...from Vienna, Austria, and weighing in at 140 lbs., she is�.YARA �THE LIONESS� SCHNIDER!!!!�

Out the brunette woman walked, still dressed in her jumpsuit uniform from earlier in the night.

And she didn�t stop walking, stomping down the entrance ramp with her lone ponytail dancing from shoulder to shoulder.

Despite being covered from the neckdown, even the most casual viewer could detect her sculpted frame, the statuesque form of a woman whose body has been turned into a weapon for both pain and pleasure.

Her strut was almost of a Ronda Rousey-esque cadence, mirroring the Mastodon�s single-mindedness towards the ring.

And her eyes, also dark, were gleaming with fierce, focused determination.

Keith continued to flex his shoulders around with the foreign woman rolling under the bottom rope and shooting up to meet him in the middle.

Without fear, the Eastern European athlete came within inches of him, dwarfed in height only by less than half a foot.

Though that discrepancy did nothing to deter the Lioness from getting a good, solid look at the man she intended on making her prey.

�Save it for the bell,� the official was quick to remind the two, sensing that intensity buildup already.

For the professionals that they both were, that wouldn�t be a problem at all.

��Sup?� Keith Johnson greeted her with a cordial (if sizing up) nod.

�You dress like an animal that has not been on this planet for thousands of years. Tell me why you have done this,� she asked him in accented English, hints of not only her native Austrian but some other regional dialects in her voice. �Do you already feel doomed, Herr Ringer, like your animal of choice?�

�Funny story. Saw something like it in a museum once. Figured getting my own would look pretty badass out here,� Keith told her honestly in a deep, baritone voice that would send tremors through the average woman. �Judging by the reaction right now, it is indeed badass.�

�You may look �badass�, American, but there is more to this than to simply look the part,� she proclaimed, certainly not the average woman.

Johnson gave a smirking response. �Sure sure, but I'm all about that first impression. Need folks believing I can pull shit off before I actually do it, y'know?�

Scoffing at his unproven bravado, she unzipped the front of her jacket, slipping off the striped, red-and-white colors of her homeland to reveal her top covering.


Much to the fans� pleasure, the Lioness was completely bare chested, freely displaying her tremendous pale, firmly defined bust just inches away from his dark skin.

�Look at me, Mr. Mastodon,� she told him in that same intense leer, not straying from his gaze at all. �I am a woman, yes, but I do not fear any man. They learn to fear me, learn to submit to me. Do you understand?�

Keith�s immediate reaction was to shrug, showing both a bit of playfulness but also more importantly, an unwillingness to become so easily distracted by her naked form.

�Yeah, that�s probably never gonna happen.� Rolling his shoulders around, Keith went on to say, �Being straight-up with you right now, you�re gonna catch some hands, then you gonna catch some dick, before and after you catch this L. But I appreciate you carrying the hype wagon for yourself. Keep working that hustle, girl.�

�A sense of humor, how wonderful.� Her tone was of a sneering quality. �I will make you humble first, American.�

Handing the jacket away to the referee, she latched onto her waistband�

�Then, I make you mine.� She then ripped off her pants, showing off the rippling muscle of her leg muscles before the camera zoomed in on her white shorts, practically painted on around her hips. �All that you have to offer...will be mine for the taking.�

�Wanna take my bills from the VA hospital a few miles down the road while you�re at it?� he again teased her.

Kicking off her shoes, Yara stepped a little closer to him, hands clasped sternly behind her back. �Your tongue will be put to much better use after this match, Mr. Mastodon. After all, you are a man of service, no?�

Stepping back, the Lioness went to her corner, not once diminishing the smile on Keith Johnson�s face.

�Alright.� He felt the starting stirs of arousal in the nether regions just watching the swinging pendulum of the Austrian woman�s hips, carrying her back to her corner while he backed to his.

The starting positions of a powerhouse demolition derby about to unfold.

In approximately five...four...three...two�

Ding ding!


�Oh shit, it�s on now. It�s�.Lace, I need another drink.�

�I think you�ve had more than enough, chica.�

�But...I want more,� Ashley almost whined at her partner, the inebriation heavy as a boulder in her voice by now.

Says the woman only about two or three full glasses into the night.

Daniel, on the other hand, was not even a half-cup of beer in and he was already regretting his decision.

Seated right smack dab in the middle of the elongated couch, he again found himself much like his biblical namesake: right in the lion�s den.

Only unlike that guy, how he got here was entirely voluntary. More or less.

�You�ve had enough, Ashley. Trust me,� Nikky�s cool, always in-control voice leered from his left.

Of course, she handled her alcohol just fine, one glass of cocktail daintily cradled in one hand while she sat comfortably across Brad�s lap, to the left of Derrick.

The Beast suggestively massaged her thigh with one hand, his attention piqued somewhat by the ongoing matchup.

�Whatever,� the Succubus almost pouted out from his right, arms crossed as she fell back against the cushion to continue watching the match.

The brunette woman was�.lightly dressed for the occasion to put it lightly.

Having done away with her pants, Ashley was barelegged with only her panties and T-Shirt on, contrasting everyone else who was at least fully dressed (for now, at least).

�So�.� Fiddling with his phone in both hands, Daniel tried for a conversation-starter, �What kind of TV shows do you guys like to watch?�

�Maybe the one we�re watching now,� Bradley told him, somewhat coldly.

�Kidding, he�s kidding,� the Wildcat quickly smiled over the man�s less-than-friendly glare at him. �No, we like all kinds of shows, don�t we Brad?�

�Yeah�� His hostility didn�t curtail at all. �All kinds.�

�...cool. Yeah, I, uh, like watching stuff too.� Turning away from the male champion�s glowering stare, he returned his eyes to the big screen where Mastodon and Yara had finished the preliminary �circle around each other� ritual, starting the match proper.


�Auf der Hut!�

Yara lunged in like a snarling big cat, feinting with a forward grapple only to skirt around his long legs instead.

Smartly circling around to take his back, she squeezed in a rear waistlock, clasping her hands together to initiate the abdominal squeeze.

Pressing her head against his kidney region, she pressed inwardly on the African American sexfighter like she was squeezing a bear, but even that wasn�t an apt enough description of the Mastodon at all.

It was more like squeezing a Sherman tank.

�Alright....� Grunting out, he gritted through her opening clench, finding her feminine hands still wrapped around him. �You do a pretty mean Heimlich; I�ll give you that.�

�You joke now, American. But you will not be so confident when I- whoa!� Yara was taken by surprise, and by proxy, taken off her feet by Keith dropping down to his knees and tossing her overhead in a crisp flinging motion.

Landing smoothly on her shoulder, she rolled up and went right back on the offensive to try another destabilizing-

�Whoa!� But then she was tossed again when the former Marine took hold of her lunging double-leg takedown and turned it into his own single underhook throw.

Twice made the airborne recipient of his impressive base strength, Yara rolled up with a slightly unpleasant snarl.

Launching at the physically impressive specimen, she tried again to wrench his head down into a facelock, only to be literally snatched right out of the air.

Hoisted up high above him in an elevated position, she acted quickly before gravity ultimately decided her fate.

Kicking out her legs to counterbalance the obvious downwards trajectory, she shifted her body up over his shoulder and succeeded in sliding down his back.

Grabbing onto his camo pants on the way down was crucial towards slowing her descent and thus softening the fall.

With that same grip, Yara yanked at his legs to force the larger man to topple over on his back sitout-style�. which did not happen.

She yanked, hard, on the fabric again, but again, even an Olympic-level powerlifter could not have her way with a Sherman tank so easily.

But he could have her way with her.

Shaking his head playfully at the clearly frustrated woman between his legs, Keith bent down to collect her with both hands clamping around her neck in a secure grip.

One firm grunt later, he yanked her back up from underneath, putting the woman back on her own feet much to the audible surprise of the crowd.

Hands still holding her in place, he promptly bent her facefirst forward against his crotch, setting up for a powerbomb.

Yara�s body snapped up with a startled yelp, hoisted up quicker than she could even finish gasping.

Then, she was slammed down on her back...or rather, the other way around.

Maneuvering herself into a backflip at the exact moment she felt gravity turn against her, the Lioness pulled off a swift hurricanrana to fling the former Marine over to the ground while she used her forearms and chest to cushion her landing.

Forced into a somersault, Johnson took the landing on his shoulderblades and upper spine, not remaining on his back long enough for any kind of grounded followup.

Quickly he pounded one fist into the mat, using it as a launchpad to push the rest of his body up off the ground, and into a-

�Ugghh!� Not one second too soon, Yara snapped a vicious soccer kick right into his rising goatee, the top of her naked foot connecting flush against his grunting mouth.

Visibly rocked by the swinging blur of a clean strike, Mastodon fell back a step, nearly offbalanced by that-

�Hah!� Then a high-arced forearm struck him across the cheek, taking him back for another step.

Another forearm, followed by an equally swift companion that made the debuting sex-athlete falter back.

Eschewing chain wrestling for more straight-forward and searing offense, the Lioness roared forward with an alternating forearm to the taller man�s visage.

�Fall!� she demanded of him, lashing the center of his chest with a stinging, open-handed chop that elicited even more flesh-on-flesh contact.

Turning sideways facing him, she swatted the same area with an even more insistent knife edge chop, staggering him for another step but not putting the big man on his back.

Gritting her teeth in seething frustration, she kept the same stance and landed another chop which only made him stand up straight, his own stance solid against her strikes.

He looked at her, she looked back at him� and then blistered his chest muscles with a third chop.

A chop that may as well have slid across a stone statue of a sexfighter, because Mastodon�s expression was hardened like one, too.

Muttering out in her native tongue, she went for another fore-

�Nope!� Intercepting her mid-strike, he went chest-to-chest with the Lioness, lifting her feet off the ground in a bearhug and then spinning around for a half-rotation like she was a stuffed animal in his grasp.

Breasts pressed against pecs, he took a few steps forward before tossing her overhead in a hurling belly-to-belly suplex.

The athletic woman absorbed a swift crash on the flat canvas, a fresh layer of pain materializing over her expression as she again felt Mastodon�s upper body strength imposed upon her.

And the feeling of being manhandled by this American colossus�.was exhilarating.

Writhing over on her belly, she blew the lone ponytail out of her face with somewhat of an exuberant smile on her face.

Both fists grinded into the mat, lifting herself into a yoga-esque kneeling position with her well-padded rear raised up in the air.

Smiling over the wincing lines in her face, she slowly pushed up to a knee as Keith Johnson, already standing, went over to collect her.

Or rather...collect a lunging headbutt right to the abdominal region, a guiling lure that obviously a rookie sexfighter would walk right into.

Hopping up while he grabbed at his belly, she grabbed around his neck with one hand and stamped a flurry of forearms with the opposite limb, determined still to fell the former Marine through the violent expression of her melee prowess.

For every two shots, Keith took only one step back, his external durability continuing to reveal itself the more and more she battered him.

Almost half a dozen straight shots later, however, Mastodon took a knee.

He didn�t fall outright, but the slight falter opened a small window that the Lioness would not dare let close.

Grunting out her own satisfaction, she seized him in a facelock, her toned bicep curling potently around his neck.

�Now�.� Rolling her neck around, the Austrian told him, �You fall, liebling.�

Bending forward, she whipped herself back for the DD-

�Ooh!� She gasped out as all ten of his fingers dug against her asscheeks, squeezing them with concentration-bursting force!

The gasp of shock came first before another sound took to her lips: disbelief.

Rising back up, Keith hoisted up the foreign woman high like she was a ballerina being held up on the ballroom floor.

�No...no stop!� Yara�s feet kicked frantically, but the force she generated in her airborne resistance was a shallow pool compared to the iron-clad grip that kept her elevated above the mat.

And if that wasn�t bad enough, he promptly pushed the Lioness even higher in the air before stepping back to see flail back down to the canvas bellyfirst!

The high raise and harsh dropoff rendered Schnider a gasping heap on the mat once more, surely an unnatural state for the former European star.

Chin and cheek to the canvas, she had one arm under her and the other reaching upwards...touching the fabric of his pants.

�Wanna touch it?� His bemused voice boomed out from above.

Trying to get her legs under her, Yara�s recovering movements did allow her hand to, if only coincidentally, brush up against his crotch area.

And what she discovered, just from the cursory touch of her fingertips...made her gasp out in a whole new way.

�Yeah.� Nodding as if reading her mind at that moment, Keith gently palmed the top of her head, digging in slightly to form a new grip.

�He likes you, too.� Yanking her back up to her feet, he pressed in close to put her against the ropes, then cast her off in a one-handed Irish whip.

The Austrian woman hit the rebound and ducked under a clothesline attempt by the African American man.

Hurtling towards the cables again, she heard what she thought to be a grunt of frustration from him- only it was the complete opposite.

Falling on his belly with practiced ease, he felt her hop over his back and continue the momentum he�d set her on.

Coming off another rope rebound, she (and perhaps most of the fans present) were surprised to see the six-footer actually leap up high enough in the air to clear her approaching upper body in a leapfrog!

That visual alone nearly made the people on the front rows hold their heads in stark disbelief, but what came next hit even harder.

Nailing one last rebound, Yara started to transition into a dropkick- but Keith transitioned into a running shoulder block even quicker.

Reacting with an amazing level of speed with such limited space between them, he hit her like a bus and promptly put the Austrian woman right on her ass.

She flopped over her belly while he barely needed a dust-up from their entirely one-sided collision.

Rolling to gain some distance between them, she didn�t stop until her upper back was up against the ropes.

And the look that she now gave the male sexfighter towering above her, one fist pounding against his chest to show the human brick wall she just ran into�


�. was not unlike the mutual looks of amazement that had donned on the commentators� faces.

�Holy cow, did you see the height he got on that leapfrog? Just the hidden athleticism of this man, it is going to be a treat to watch.�

�I can only be so surprised given his background. Mr. Johnson was made into a warrior long before he got here. Once you have that coordination and bodily discipline already, the sexfighting is just icing on top of an already well-made cake. We might just be looking at a potentially very serious contender in that tourney lineup, but by that same token, again, the same could apply to Yara if she can answer the level of fight he�s bringing to the table.�


The Lioness was back-to-buckles now as Mastodon closed in on her position.

Having shifted over to the corner for some support, she observed with rapidly adjusting eyes the confident advance of her American adversary.

Watched his built chest muscles adorned with a slight sheen of sweat already, his goateed expression watching- studying her through his own lens of tactical experience.

And then waited�.waited for him to come closer�..closer to her trap-

�Nyah!� Lunging forward like a snake slithering through the tall grass, she went low to avoid his forearm reach, then again whirled around to take his back.

Both hands clasped together at his waist, she pressed against his naked flesh with her own, going for a tight rear clench over him.

Finding her footing secure and her grip even moreso, she then bridged back for a German�.nothing.

A slight frown appeared on Yara�s face as she tried to lift the black man up for the overhead throw, only to find a resistance far greater than her initial bursts of strength could overcome.

His booted feet were still planted, but his right hand was currently gripping the adjacent rope, anchoring himself to the ring itself.

Cursing out disbelievingly, she tried again to lift him, and again the ring itself denied her.

That frown turned to frustration�.and then violent expressions of such frustration.

With a raging growl, she unlaced her fingers around his waist and attacked his spine with harsh closed fists, bruising the flesh with pure blunt force.

Those blunt, battering strikes gained more and more power as the athletic woman showed no relent or restraint against the two hundred plus pounder.

And it was that perhaps that finally brought Mastodon down to at least a partial kneel, his hand still gripping the top rope tightly while she nearly burned the sides of her fists raw with the ferocity of her punches.

She stopped with a fierce toss of her hair; her form still composed while she took a step back to recalibrate and fixate upon another way to weaken his outer shell.

And that next target in her eyes�.

�Hah!� It was his arm still clutching the rope, the grip now broken thanks to a simple punt kick snapping into the side of his forearm.

Grunting out in sharp response, the American sexfighter staggered up to his feet with a wincing wrinkle in his features.

Instinctively, he tried to shake out the introductory blossom of pain in his right elbow, right where the top of her foot had connected so soundly.

Smart for his health, but even better for her strategy.

Twisting under and then grabbing that same arm, she locked in a wristlock, climbing up to the middle turnbuckle while still torquing against his limb�

� and then rained down a jumping elbow drop on his outstretched arm!

A very audible, very anguished �Ahh shit!� trickled out of Keith�s mouth once the sharp point of her own joint came down hard against his captured arm.

Stumbling away from her, he kept that arm under close guard by his side, cradling it with its twin partner.

All the while, his eyes were distracted by the discomfort, creating a vacuum of attention of which Yara swiftly filled back up by running at him with her own warrior cry.

Running, yelling, and then connecting with a jumping knee right to his right side, smashing the thrusting bone of her leg against his unprotected midsection as well!

Shouting out for a second consecutive time, Keith Johnson fell forward though in a downwards trajectory, nearly taking a faceplant in the center of the ring.

Nearly. But not quite.

The Lioness stopped in place, almost feral excitement in her eyes as she watched him on a single knee now, wearing a pretty noticeable grimace all over his face.

Her feet quickly backtracked back to the same corner with Mastodon still kneeling, inadvertently giving her a newer, much more efficient target: his head.

�There we are�.there we are.� Muttering in plain English for the moment, she crouched down in front of the turnbuckle, bouncing up and down as that same excitement in her eyes trickled down to illuminate the rest of her body.

Wanting to relive that same success, that same flesh-on-flesh contact again, she built up that fire of anticipation in her core until it could be contained no longer.

Then, she ran�.past the referee�.and directly into his outstretched arms.

Snapping to attention with a Marine�s well-honed sharpness, he scooped up the veteran fighter, spun her around a full, fluid 180� before absolutely drilling her into the mat with thudding authority!

The reaction grew from moderately noisy to a cheering frenzy as Johnson planted the Lioness firmly with the spinning spinebuster.

From the whip of her hair in mid-air, to the swift turn her entire body took in the matter of seconds, Yara felt that impact in more ways than one.

And not just on the outside.

Leaning back, Keith groaned through his limb�s lingering soreness, shaking out his arm while something else sparked in his brown eyes.

Something that hadn�t lived there in a long, long time.

Wiping one hand across his brow, the veteran glanced up at the crowd who were now standing, chanting for his name: �Mas-to-don! Mas-to-don! Mas-to-don!�

Pounding the same fist against his chest, he began to stand as Yara Schnider, arched back and writhing legs, laid there to endure the fallout of his emphatic counter.

The fallout that wasn�t even over.

Grabbing around the backs of her knees, Keith rose while the Austrian woman groaned under him.

Then, he flipped her legs up and over the rest of her body, putting the Lioness on her belly in a no less vulnerable position.

Still working through the rattling effects of the spinebuster, she grabbed blindly at his pants until the firm squeeze of his open palm atop her head brought the foreign fuckfighter back to reality proper.

�Up and at �em!� Lifting the slender woman again with the amazing strength of just one arm, he put her on her feet and then shot her off like a mortar launcher.

Barely at half speed, Yara stumbled/bounced off the ropes to find her opponent�.not where she saw him last.

Not- �Oorah!� Keith Johnson smashed into the Lioness from the side like a roaring Humvee, delivering a pouncing shoulder block that launched her lithe form instantly!

Hitting the ropes perpendicular as soon as he sent her off, the former Marine accelerated his speed right at the critical point of intersection to catapult the flailing woman through the air and out of the ring altogether.

Rolling under the bottom rope not entirely under her own power, the brunette found sanctuary on all fours, again a most unnatural position for the former European legend to find herself in.

All while Mastodon, standing tall in the middle of the ring, found himself growing accustomed to those chanting his name.


�Holy shit- Lace, Lace did you see that? Did you see that shit?�

�Yes, chica. I saw.�

�Like, wow. Bitch got flung like a...like a�.Lace, I�m blanking here.�

�Like a pi�ata at my little niece�s last quincea�era,� Lacey supplied her partner ever so generously.

�Yeah�� Nodding, Ashley craned her head back over to the Demon, and then, besides her�.

�Hey, hey new guy.�

Least now she�s acknowledging me.

Daniel turned away from the screen with Yara still outside the ring, crawling around on the floor like she was looking for the confidence that the Mastodon just yeeted right out of her.

Keep it cool, keep it cool�

�What�s up?� he forced his lips into a smile.

�Been wondering for a while�.� Sniffing some, the Succubus pulled back on her ditzy, drunken demeanor, somewhat returning to a serious tone. �What was the audition like? Y�know, for being Nikky�s new student? Or is it more of an application process nowadays?�

He detected something with the way she said student.

Something...not so friendly.

But he decided to play nice anyways. �Oh, uh, I needed help with Kenzie about a month ago. And Nikky obviously had experience dealing with her and Brad, so she made sense to go to.�

�Yeah, I bet,� Ashley grumbled, rubbing the back of her head as the television screen replayed Mastodon�s pounce in thrilling slow-motion.

�So, she�s teaching you a lot, huh?� the Asian-American went on to say. �About fucking bitches and winning belts?�

�I mean, she�s teaching me the path to being a champ, for sure.� He nodded along, wondering when Nikky would back him up.

Turning slightly, he saw exactly why that was, on account of the intense, almost combative makeout session that the Wildcat was currently having with the Beast.

Straddling his lap now, she was going all in on her tag partner, blocking out any outside noise as a result.

And Brad was certainly all in on her, one of his manly paws groping her ass through those tight jeans of hers.

�They�.do that, often?� He turned back to see the Demon already in the process of facepalming.

�Too fucking often,� the Hispanic woman sighed.


Yara Schnider did something she usually reserved for the post-match festivities.

Reaching behind her head, she undid the single band containing her ponytail, letting her hair spill down over both shoulders.

Standing up upon her recovery from the throttling collision of their two bodies, she also shimmied out of her bottoms, baring the pink flower of her femininity.

Her eyes relocked onto Mastodon remaining in the center, revved up and ready for another skirmish.

Naked in every sense of the word, the Lioness climbed up using the middle ropes, matching his readiness with a determined breath.

Swinging one leg slowly inside the ring, she maintained eye contact all while ducking under the top rope.

His pecs flexing in visible anticipation, he tensed up into a subtle battle stance with the woman halfway back inside the ring.

Lifting the other leg still on the apron, Yara finally climbed inside the ring, increasing the occupancy of the squared circle back to its normal three.

With their eyes locked on the other, the tension built and built, and built�.

�Hah!� Then she took the offensive plunge, lunging at him with another fierce roar to force Mastodon to respond.

And so he did, squaring himself up for another shoulder block to knock down....a feint!

Sliding between his legs while he was already using his upper body as a battering ram, she successfully disappeared from the rookie�s line of sight, forcing his hand.

Twirling around, he reached with one hand to grab-

�Uggghhh!� And she again was the quicker hand at the trigger, stunning the big man with a jumping enziguri right to the side of his head!

The high kick visibly threatened his foundation, introducing a wobble to Keith�s footing while Yara scrambled up.

With one knee nearly buckling and the other faring little better, he grabbed at his now throbbing temple where the strike connected, feeling more than a little disoriented�

� and even more startled as she grabbed him with one arm around the waist and between his legs with the other.

Locking both hands together under his crotch, she grunted the necessary power and solidity in her arms to then lift- again, lift, the male sexfighter up off the ground!

The soles of his boots even left the mat with Yara starting to tease out the full extent of her own physical prowess.

Grunting turned to growling as she hefted the bigger man up a little higher above the ground, then a little more on top of that, again certainly resetting the expectations of the audience with every grueling moment of her show of strength.

Higher, and then high enough for-


Keith finally put a painful cap on her aspiration with an elbow dropping down on the back of her neck, forcing her to put him back down before she could fully bridge for the belly-to-back suplex.

As soon as his feet touched the mat, he turned and grabbed the wincing woman around the sides in another waistlock.

His chest to hers once more, he didn�t even look back before hurling her backwards in a belly-to-belly.

Flung without consideration, she struck the mat again with a pained groan, stymied once more by Mastodon�s steely tenacity.

Instinctively sitting up with a face wracked in agony, she couldn�t even stay upright before folding over to the side.

Locks of brunette hair obscured her Eastern European visage, breathing in hard through the hard punishment endured, and yet her lips still curled into a smile, one that remained on her face as she reached out for support a few seconds later.

Grabbing the middle rope next to the corner turnbuckle, the fully nude Lioness dragged herself up with firm hands, transferring that same fortitude down to her legs as the crowd seemed to divert their attention away from her recovery, more towards the center of the ring.

Towards whatever Keith Johnson was planning.

Looping one arm over the top rope, she flipped herself around to see where all that attention had gone, and as it so happened-

�Huuahh!� Mastodon crushed Yara into the corner with a charging body avalanche, his upper body nearly swallowing the foreign woman whole.

Fans from either side of the ring either flinched in shared sympathy or simply clapped in stricken awe of the lightning-quick speed of the veteran once more on display.

Capturing her in a fierce, clobbering embrace, the former Marine took steps back to see (and feel) the Austrian sexfighter practically glued to his pectoral muscles.

Her legs went from somewhat sturdy to solid as spaghetti noodles once he backed up, the sexfighting legend�s body collapsing forward against his impressive build.

Yara�s knees dropped to the ground while the rest of her body devolved into a kneeling crawl, her face inadvertently propped up against his own trunk-like legs.

Looking down at the Lioness, her eyes nearly glazed over from the body press, he again palmed the top of the woman�s head, renewing his grip over her hair.

With that same grip he pulled her up, between his thighs with her legs unsteadily rising to support her weight.

Cracking his neck around for a full rotation, Mastodon interlaced his hands under her belly, lifting his athletic adversary up into the air to finish his initial attempt from earlier in the match.

Once she was up, he wasted no time slamming her back�.

�. on her feet!?

Sliding her legs off his shoulders to force a landing on her own terms before the powerbomb could be completed on his, Yara suffered only a slight stumble in her stride and then jolted Mastodon with a timely European uppercut under the chin.

He grunted, and then she hit him with a second European uppercut, forcing the sound again but even louder.

Undeterred by his resilience, she swung a third uppercut into his jaw, making him take a step back against this violent resurgence of offense.

Not to be undone, she rocked him with a fourth, and then a fifth, and sixth, again and again and again�..

�. until finally he dropped down to a knee, sufficiently battered by her consecutive flurry of forearm strikes.

But he was down, and she was standing.

Standing, and yet infuriated by the defiance outlining his muscular being.

�...verdammt nochmal...why won�t you fall, American?� Yara snarled at him, her naked breasts fuming along with her.

Feeling out some soreness in his gums, Keith looked at her for a solid moment, then broke into a light chuckle.

�Two tours. Got my shit rocked on damn near a daily basis by IEDs, all to do my country a solid. Now, imagine what I�m willing to go through just to fuck your uptight ass,� he taunted her.

Pausing, the Lioness considered his words, taking them in as the crowd around them began to revitalize their Mastodon chants.

The sound of them, however, allowed her to properly refocus back on him, still in a partial kneel.

Still vulnerabl-

�Nyaaah!� Yara rocked him with a standalone European uppercut, this one bringing the African American sexfighter down chin on the mat before her.

A hard putdown, but alas, a temporary putdown at best, for the former Marine was already starting to pick himself up.

Blowing strands of hair out of her face in building huffs of frustration, Yara grabbed him around the jawline, fingers gripping around his mouth and leading him back up to the kneeling stance.

�I do not have to imagine, Mr. Mastodon. I will put you down, and then, you�.� Her lips curled into a foreboding smile. �You will not have the privilege of fucking me.�

Leaning in close, she whispered at him, �But I...will have the privilege of fucking you.�

Upon saying that last word, she backed away with intent, advancing towards the corner turnbuckle behind her.

Keith didn�t suffer another faceplant, somewhat steadying himself instead with both hands, now clenched, drilling against the mat for support.

Not breaking eye contact with him at all, she pushed herself up the padding, using her heels to dig into the cables while ascending to the highest platform possible: the top rope.

Once the Eastern European woman was up, she whipped back her hair to reveal the searing determination present in her scrutinizing glare.

�Come on. Get up,� she hissed, her back leg steadying on the top rope as she perfected her perch.

Mastodon rose with grogginess still apparent in his movements.

And it was that very fact that the Lioness was counting on as she saw him extend to his full height, exactly where she wanted him.

Feeling the moment upon her now, she stood up on the top rope, launching right into an opportunity�.

� to take Keith�s lashing open palms right to her bare chest!

Not quite as groggy as she had initially assessed, Mastodon countered not with a throw but with the swift brutality of a Mongolian chop that caught her around the shoulders and collarbone area.

Yara was practically swatted down like a house mosquito from the dual chop, the burning handprints of his palms becoming instantly visible on her upper body... and all over her face, too.


�Holy hell, did you feel that? Because I felt that right in my soul. And boy did Yara just jump right into it.�

Kevin nodded, glimpsing at their monitors to see the Lioness� face utterly frozen in pain-stricken shock. �It was the temptation of escalation. She hit him hard with those European uppercuts, perhaps even harder than most guys here could probably stand to endure. But he didn�t go down. That forced Yara to challenge herself to escalate, to go for something double the risk but twice the oomph. And whatever she was going for off the top rope- be it some axehandle or even a missile dropkick, well, Mr. Johnson's professional courtesy did not extend that far.�

�Understatement of the night, my friend.�


Yara looked like she was inhabiting a separate plane of existence apart from the one shared by her opponent, the referee, and just about every fan watching live in the area.

To say she was disoriented, would be to hardly do justice to the word itself.

She was even partially oblivious to the towering presence of the military man looming above her.

And he was already tired of waiting.

Palming the top of her head again, he peeled the dazed woman off the woman with a growing sense of urgency.

Hauled up to her feet, she barely had time to even register her current state of being before he shot her off to the ropes once more.

Rebounding purely through instinct, she came back into range and then was swiftly collected off the mat and brought into another dizzying state.

This time, he spun her around upside-down, bodily hefting her in the tombstone piledriver position.

Hoisting Yara in an inverted position with her head against his lower body and his head now facing down her more intimate regions.

Mastodon took a second to secure her weight with both arms wrapped around her back before leaning in to apply his tongue where required.

And that spot revealed itself to him very, very quickly.

�Nnnphhhh...no, no no!!� The Lioness� face lit up with a pleasurable glow the second she felt him orally drill into her pussy.

Feeling the wetness of his tongue dance against her outer folds made her gasp out loudly, with the next few seconds becoming especially cruel yet enjoyable for the veteran.

Because once he started to work up a rhythm lathering up and down, around and within her naked cunt, she had to hastily put up her internal shields against his inverted pussylicking or else face the natural consequence.

The natural consequence that Yara was not very keen on experiencing so soon.

Hence the fierce kicking of her legs on either side of his head, her own feverish head-shaking, and most of all her hands trying to push against his thighs to try and force her escape.

But even with all those factors combined....Mastodon held on.

He held her, and licked her, and held her even tighter as his tongue became more confident and assertive in teasing out her growing oral weakness.

Flicking and licking her inner pink with that militant discipline again on display, Keith seemed rooted to the spot for the duration after perhaps enduring her most ardent of resisting efforts.

It certainly didn't help her cause once he locked on to her clitoris, making that his primary objective.

"No....no....." Yara fought back in spirit and in the flesh, but the crown pearl of her womanhood turned traitor on her soon enough.

The toes would curl.

The lips would quiver.

The fingers would dangle.

And eventually, the mouth would confess-

�Fuck�.fuck, fuck!!!�

The Lioness climaxed without warning, managing nearly two minutes under the stress and distress of his oral assault.

She shook, convulsed almost violently in his grasp as the girl-cum leaked out, trickling down between them for all to see.

And they could all see what had just happened.

Keith Johnson, holding up the moaning European star while she was forced to release in his inverted tombstone position, or, perhaps as it is more officially known�.

�Ladies and gentlemen, winner of the first fall with a forced orgasm via pussylicking in the 69er position�.MASTODON!!!�

His tongue continued to clean out the leaking cream-filled cunt of the trembling brunette, driving her even madder with surging lust with the careful moments of his tongue.

And seeing her legs go limp against his peripheral vision, her toes still curling up in euphoric expression, further made for a noteworthy visual of the supposed 'rookie' gaining first cum over the grizzled veteran.


Author's Note

- What a first fall! Lots to talk about, but first a big shout out and thanks to @ [Only Registered Users Can See LinksClick Here To Register] for allowing me to use his character Yara/Lioness.

- Yara Eggimann is the model for Yara Schnider (that is her correct full name going forward, btw). Ike Black for Mastodon.

- I've been meaning to really diversity up the roster that I'm working with, but Mastodon in particular I'm really proud of. He has an obvious real-life parallel and inspiration in Keith Lee. Watch just about any Keith Lee match in recent memory, and you will get a pretty good visual representation for how Keith Johnson/Mastodon moves and operates in the ring.

- Well, law school's been picking up as of recent, but I've still got enough done on the story to hopefully get out at least one installment per week, God permitting.

- This match, again, is for a spot in the IC Tournament, and really the lineup would be majorly shaken by either one of these heavy-hitters punching their ticket. I'll leave all the speculation to you on who you think that special someone will be.

- Thanks!!

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