Best Call of Duty Black Ops 2 League Play Classes
Hello there, fellow Black Ops 2 players. League Play is still mysterious for many, and I've always liked writing up a quick guide and helping players out, so here goes a quick introduction for those uninitiated and looking to understand how League Play works, and hopefully giving it a try. I'm also working on very extensive Hardpoint/SnD/CTF guides, with coverage of general tactics, map specific tactics and classes to use, but I'll post that in due time.
I. League Play - General Information
II. Champions Series - Maps and Rules
III. Divisions and Point System
IV. Classes, backing out, and other non-gamemode specific information
I. League Play - General Information
Treyarch has included a new feature in Black Ops 2, a competitive mode in which you face off against players using competitive rulesets and you get ranked according to your, or your team's, skill level. There are two different playlists, Champions League, in which 4v4 matches in either CTF, Hardpoint or SnD are played, and the Team Deathmatch series, which is 6v6 TDM matches on each and every map, following standard rules and only banning the use of splitscreen. There is also a solo rank in the TDM series to rank you and pit you against similar players.
II. Champions Series - Maps and Rules
The Champions series consists of 4v4 matches for 3 distinct gametypes, CTF, Hardpoint, and SnD. Treyarch has added only maps that are most balanced for each gametype, which are the following:
Aftermath: SnD Cargo: SnD Express: SnD/Hardpoint/CTF Hijacked: Hardpoint Meltdown: SnD Plaza: SnD/Hardpoint Raid: SnD/Hardpoint/CTF Slums: Hardpoint/CTF Standoff: SnD/Hardpoint/CTF Yemen: Hardpoint
You can play League team in a solo league or in a Team League setting, although both share the same matchmaking pool. Solo league rank pertains to playing by yourself, with a friend, or in a party of 3, as you will always have to play with at least one random player. The team league setting consists of playing with a full team of 4, and the game will force you to create a team name and you'll have the option to add a team emblem. Playing in a full team is only recommended if you're going to commit to playing together, as you'll have to start a new team every time a new player different to the last group of 4 joins.
Rules and Restrictions:
To begin, general competitive gameplay rules have been applied, except for friendly fire being enabled. This includes no dynamic map settings(train in express, etc) and other typical general competitive rules.
Silent plant enabled
Round switch every round
5 second plant time/7.5 second defuse
Up to 6 rounds
No third person spectating
Hardpoint and CTF for the most part have unaltered rules.
Perks: Hardline & Ghost Scorestreaks: UAV, Hunter Killer Drone, Care Packages, Counter-UAV, Guardian and Orbital VSAT Weapons: All free-fire launchers Lethals: Claymores, C4s, Bouncing Betties Tacticals: Shock Charges and tactical insertions Split-screen not permitted.
III. Divisions and Point System
All League Play series have 6 different divisions, which are the following:
Masters: Top 2% of players
Platinum: Next 18% of players
Gold: Next 20% of players
Silver: Next 20% of players
Bronze: Next 20% of players
Iron: Last 20% of players
As you can see, the Master divisions hold the absolute best players in League play, while the Iron division holds the absolute worst. To get ranked, you must go through 5 different placement matches, and then you'll be thrown into a certain division. The more you win, the higher chance of joining a more skilled division, although it is impossible to join Masters Division right after finishing the placement matches.
When getting placed in the Solo Champions League, it is best to play as a group of 3, as this will allow for more teamwork and it'll increase your chance of getting placed into a better division. If you win all your matches, you will most certainly be placed in Platinum Division. Individual performance and skill level is not accounted for in the League Play rank and point system, wins and losses are most important. The game also takes into account your previous League placements when placing you in a new season, so if you were Iron last season, even if you win 5 matches, you won't be placed into Platinum straight away, and vice-versa, if you were in Masters last season, you can lose 1 or 2 placement matches and still be placed in Platinum Division straight away.
After your placement matches, you will find yourself in a subdivision(of which there are many), with a distinct name and a set of players. As the Season trudges along, more subdivisions will open up and new players will begin to fill each subdivision. This, for the most part, means that the first few divisions will be the most advanced(point-wise) because they were the first to open up that season. There is a maximum of 200 players per subdivision, and your goal throughout the season to is to win as much as possible, with the objective of either getting promoted to a better division, or getting rank 1 in your Master's subdivision, thus "beating" the other 199 players in your subdivision.
The point system in League Play can only be explained through vague/general guidelines, as the exact algorithm through which points are awarded or deducted through wins and losses is not yet clear. For the most part, playing alone will reward you more points per win and deduct less points per loss, whereas each player added to party will decrease the difficulty and thus further hinder you, point-wise. Beating a full team, regardless of their Division, will typically reward 150 points, which is the maximum, although this is not always the case. In the same way that losing against a full team will typically only deduct 10 points, which is the minimum, although this is not always the case.
Aside from the amount of players in your party and the modification of the point system depending on the presence or absence of a full team, other factors also affect how many points you are rewarded or deducted. As this is still very vague, I speak solely from experience, but it seems the the divisions in which each player is affects the point you're rewarded, and it also takes into account the last few recent games for each player. The game DOES NOT take into account the actual challenge the enemy team gives you in-game, nor your individual performance, nor the fact that it may have been a 1v4 due to enemy or friendly players disconnecting or backing out.
There are also 200 daily bonification points, and so the first two wins of every day will reward you with an extra +200 points, aside frmo whatever you've won for that specific game.
The matchmaking system in League Play tends to be a skilled base matchmaking, pairing Master players with other Master players and occasionally with Platinum, although at some times of day exceptions are made due to the low amount of players in each region, especially considering only 2% of total players are in the Masters Playlist.
IV. Classes, Backing out, and other non-gamemode specific information
In League play, you will have absolutely everything in the pick 10 system unlocked, so you will not have to level up to unlock different guns/attachments/perks/etc. Unless you buy the 10 sets of classes, you will be stuck with a total of 5 classes for 3 very different gamemodes, which might indeed be a bit challenging.
You also won't be able to unlock and weapon camos, nor will you be able to complete any challenges in League play, or unlock any titles or emblem related-material. You also will not be awarded any medals for anything you achieve in League Play.
If you back out of a game purposely, you will be punished with a 5 minute probation, in which you won't be able to search for a League Play match. Joining a started game is also a thing of the past in League play, thus making a much more balanced system and much less infuriating for those searching for a match. Once all 8 players are found, the lobby will set a map/gametype and lock everyone in until the game starts. There are 3 ways to break this lock, for all of those who either prefer not to play a certain map/gametype, think they have bad odds of winning and are scared(bad teammates/good enemies), or simply have to go away from their PS3.
1.The first is simply by joining a friend's group/started game
2.The second is by simply disconnecting from their account(dashboarding)
3.The third is by introducting the clan tag "co,d", which then changes to "cod", which isn't allowed for whatever reason, resulting to a kick from the lobby back to your party. If doing this last method, you must erase the "d" in the clan tag before searching for a new game, and keep in mind this will work 90% of the time, but not always.
Hopefully this has helped those that weren't familiar with how League play work, and it's served its purposes of informing and maybe even convincing a few of you to try out League Play if you haven't already.
tl;dr: Refer to Index, I guess. Quick Introduction to League Play, how it works, divisions and point system.
EDIT: To those concerned, I've only explained how to back out of fixed lobbies for any inconvenience it may cause, but only from lobbies. Dashborading from a already started game is disgusting, and I am completely against that.
Best Call of Duty Black Ops 2 League Play Classes
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